
Yes There Was A Storm

Did you ever find yourself in an ongoing storm where you flounder almost fearing you will drown in it. Still the times of storms are when God is growing us and teaching us lessons that will help us to come into the sun when the storm ends. We also have coming into the Son to look forward to at the end of our lives.

The faithful love of the Lord
keeps us from destruction
    His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.
    therefore, I will hope in him!         
Lamentations 3:22-24

Yes, There Was A Storm

Yes, there was a storm
The herons cried through the night
We still continued.

Yes, there was a storm
I was tossed around and yet
My boat stayed afloat.

Yes, there was a storm
Ended in peaceful silence
As the gusts subside.

Clouds, rain, thunder, wind
You and I by love joined
Yes, there was a storm.

Now the gale has stopped
But my Love is still with me
Loving my soul forever.

Now this Love brings joy
Beyond my fanciful dreams
Of all human love.

The peace of my soul
Brings me here to say  these words
I belong to You.

Now you are the Storm
That blows me on toward my bliss
And ne’er will I change.

Yes, I belong to You
In ways I never could have dreamed
Close in soul and mind.

Father You draw me
With each wave and lightning flash
That teach me to love.

Each raindrop falling
Cleans my soul of its sin
And brings my mind peace.

Oh never deserved
Your storm is teaching me more
Than human love can.

Thunder of Your voice
Has called me to come to you
Before I even knew.

And before I  cared
You blew your mighty currents
Calling me to You.

Why did I deserve
The love and grace You offered
To gather me in?

Your winds beckon home
All lost in their private storms
To bring their boats in.

Finding Your shelter 
Security in Your port 
Safe forever more.

That You have given me storms
To teach me Your truths.

Without all the storms
Could I even comprehend
All You do for me?

Yes we are the storm!
You loving me without end
And I at last hear.

You drawing me in
Finally I come to You
Now a rainbow shines.

(C)  Corinne H. Mustafa

We love to praise God in our storms,
because we KNOW  that

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