Quote for the week
I know God will not give me anything
I can't handle.
I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa
More signs for the modern woman...
Book Recommendation
The Bible
The Bible is filled with stories that speak to our heart and lives in amazing ways. It is filled with Gods words for many aspects and teachings fron the story of creation to His revelation about what will happen after Jesus returns.

Find a Bible version that is appropriate to you child's age and ability to understad and share it with her/ him. It will bless you and it wil bless your child. It is never too soon to begin. Here are a couple of Bibles for children. There are many other varieties available. Check it out in your bookstore or research online!
I recommend the BIBLE and sharing it with your children
I recommend the BIBLE and sharing it with your children
Corinne Mustafa
Joke for the week
Gravestone Epithah
Effie Jean Robinson
Come blooming youths, as you pass by,
And on these lines do cast an eye.
As you are now, so once was I;
As I am now, so must you be;
Prepare for death and follow me.
Which is not funny at all.
But underneath, someone had added:
To follow you
I am not content
How do I know
Which way you went?
Helpful Household Hints
Grandma's Household Hints And Tips May Be Old-Fashioned,
But They Can Save You Time And Money Today
Do you have stained coffee cups? rub some dry salt inside the cup then rinse, voila! Sparkling clean and no residue from commercial cleaners.
Egg tips
Have you ever boiled some eggs only to realise later you have no idea which are the boiled and which are fresh eggs..easy.. just spin them, a fresh egg will not spin! When cracking eggs into a bowl and some shell falls in just use another piece of the egg shell to gently remove it.
Burnt pot stains
To remove burnt on stains from pots and pans. If you have rhubarb growing in your garden this is one of the best ingredients for cleaning burnt pots. Simply cut up 3 stalks of rhubarb, put into burnt pot with enough water to cover, bring to the boil then simmer for 5-10 minutes. Allow to go cold in the pot, stains will be gone. For heavy duty stains a light rub with a scourer may be needed.
Too much salt
I remember the first stew I ever cooked, (bury in backyard material)...it was way too salty. On the phone to mum in tears, her sage advice was, cut in half 2 or 3 peeled potatoes and add them to the stew, cook until tender,remove and discard. Result, an edible stew.
Cleaning the silver
In a large glass dish fill to over halfway with warm water,tear up some alfoil sheets (approx 6 pieces). Put them into the dish with 1 tablespoon of carb soda. Place your knives,forks and spoons into the dish. Leave for at least 5 minutes(longer if very tarnished)remove and dry,silverware will be sparkling.
Cleaning your freezer.
After you have defrosted your freezer. Wipe over every surface inside it with cooking oil. Next time you defrost, the ice will come away easier with little effort.
Grease Spills.
The most effective way to clean up a grease or oil spill. Cover the spill with salt, it will absorb all the moisture. Sweep up the salt and dispose into the bin.
Black Marks
To remove black scuff marks from your kitchen floor. Dab a small amount of toothpaste onto a paper towel. Rub over the mark until it has gone. Toothpaste won't scratch your floor.
Sharpen Waste Disposal Blades.
Blunt Blades? Put some ice blocks into your disposal. Grind up the ice and your blades will be sharpened. Do this a few times if very blunt.
Cleaning the Sink Drain.
Use 3 or 4 Antacid tablets, put them into the sink. Add half a cup of vinegar. Leave for a couple of minutes. Flush away with hot water,your pipes will be cleaned.
Remove Odors
To remove an oder from plastic containers. Crumble some newspaper or kitchen towel. Wet thoroughly. Stuff the wet paper into the container. Put into the freezer for 1 hour. Remove from freezer, take out the paper and the smell is gone.
Lime Deposits From Kettles
To remove lime deposits from a kettle. Fill kettle with water. Place 6 Marbles (kids playthings) into the kettle. Put on the stove and bring to the boil. Boil for approx 10 minutes. Empty the kettle and the lime deposits will be gone
Shared by Corinne Mustafa
1 comment:
Love the signs for modern women! LOL Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!
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