“This morning, snow wrapped every tree and rock in soft white, and promised to keep the outline of distant hills hidden against a gray sky. But it could not keep its promise. After a few hours the sun came out and turned it all into nature's jewelry, beautiful dew gems sparkling on the grass. We can be so busy that we miss the little things that sweeten life, the way a pet waits to be noticed, the way an owl, hoots in the woods, and a blue jay chortles in the middle of winter. It is a lovely thing to turn away from busy work to pay attention to our loved things and loved ones. We know how we wait to be told we are important. We should never wait to say or think something beautiful that will make someone's day easier and more secure…”
Joyce Sequichie Hifler
I found this writing from the Cherokee Feast of Days for January 2, 2011. I know that many of you find the snowy days hard to love because of the difficulties of life that snow brings. It slows us down. It is a challenge to even get out your door to get to the car and even harder to get out your driveway after the plows have passed. Walking is perilous with danger to limb and life.
Could we be too busy to notice the “sunny” side of the snow storm and the warmth of understanding that comes from one? Poets have written about the eye candy that a big snow provides to those who can dedicate some time to see it. Here is a darling poem written by Sam, a twelve year old boy, in hopes of a Snow Day from school.
Snow Day
Snow is falling to the ground
Piling up in enormous mounds
School is cancelled for the day
Children run outside to play
Snowballs are thrown in the air
No one has any care
About school-only fun
Because the day is a snowy one
Snowmen are stacked very high
Their top hats almost skim the sky
To make them round they must pat
Then finish off with mittens and hat
As the weather gets cold
The children are told
To come inside and eat
Hot chocolate with a couple treats
Once the kids are done
They put on their gear for some more fun
Some of them play around
While other kids just lay on the ground
Another kid makes snow angels
Until the dog named Bojangles
Ran through his masterpiece
But then the owner yelled cease
After Bojangles
Ruined all the snow angels
Kids slid down the hill
‘Til they were bitten by a chill
Almost over is the day
The children start to walk away
As snow falls, so does the sun
This brings to mind the words of Jesus about little children from the poem that I wrote for children during December. I called it “Gather Round Me Children,” and it told about the birth and purpose of Jesus and how important children were to Him.
Time to go in, the day is done
© Sam D
This brings to mind the words of Jesus about little children from the poem that I wrote for children during December. I called it “Gather Round Me Children,” and it told about the birth and purpose of Jesus and how important children were to Him.
Because Jesus did love children
A fact none could ever deny
He praised their purity saying
All should become as small fry.
Jesus told the grownups there
“Let the children come to Me.
They are the sweet and innocent ones
These words find basis in the Bible in the following verse...
Of this world, you see.”
These words find basis in the Bible in the following verse...
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
This brings me back to where I began. Discussing the ability to see beauty and wisdom in things that could be construed as a total botheration. Children play and laugh in the snow. They take time to fall backward onto the snow and make snow angels. They find joy where adults lament the inconvenience. We need to remember to think the following thoughts…
Matthew 19:14
So Jesus has given us our walking papers. The kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are innocent like little children. Does that mean that when we turn twenty-one that we are forced by our new adulthood to get out of the line into heaven? This is hardly so. All we have to do is to maintain a maturity filled with innocence and sweetness. Then the kingdom of heaven will be possessed and shared by people of all ages from children to the elderly.

Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
This thinking will lead us to be powerhouses in the fight to maintain innocence and will also lead us to fulfill the following from Joyce Sequichie Hifler …
May you enjoy 2011 as a year of innocence and coming alongside for all who have the wonderful blessing of being present on your path.
Written by Corinne Mustafa
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
“We should never wait to say or think something beautiful
that will make someone's day easier and more secure…”
May you enjoy 2011 as a year of innocence and coming alongside for all who have the wonderful blessing of being present on your path.
Written by Corinne Mustafa
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