
Thanksgiving Proclamation


I want to share the proclamation of George Washington that established Thanksgiving Day in 1789. His words showed George Washington's reverence for God as he wrote this proclamation.

George Washington's 1789
Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to "recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.


The Big “C”


God often invites people to come to Him to walk out onto the water. His request is anchored in the fact that He showing us proof that all things are possible through Him. Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water. In case you have missed it water is not a solid surface, but Peter was successful walking on it until…yes until he got distracted by the fear that he would sink, and then he took his eyes off God. Sometimes people have a choice about whether or not to accept His summons. However, sometimes a person has no choice about whether or not to accept the call of God to walk on water.

For that second group there is no choice other than to just walk through what is being required by the circumstances of their life. I am part of that second group. I had already ridden the cancer merry go round two years ago when the big “C” made it necessary that I undergo a hysterectomy. When that happened I could not even bring myself to say the word, Cancer. I felt an inability to put a name to what I was going through and kind of shyness to admit my condition. Cancer was something that happens to other people. I never even dreamed that it would happen to me. Well it did; I did what I had to do which also included three radiation treatments to lower the already low percentage that rogue cells could come back to cause any trouble. I cannot actually remember being very upset. That is probably because I have a habit of not taking grave happenings very seriously. I think that is called being a “cock-eyed optimist.
This summer I spent a marvelous three weeks in Maine and came home innocently unaware of what was about to happen. I had scheduled a mammogram for when I returned and went to have it a couple of days later. I knew it was not good news when I got a call four days later asking me to come in for more tests. Then came the news that I had Breast Cancer. Me? Breast Cancer? Not me! Yes, me!

The surprising thing for me was that this time the walk through the treatment was unbelievably traumatic. Two surgeries happened and sixteen radiation treatments was the next step. At the  the time of this writing I have two more treatments, and I will be done. For a lot of the time I felt like I was in a horrible night, or should I say daymare. I was spastic about the surgery which had to be done two times. At the time, I did not even stop to think that God had given me a miracle, because, after the surgery, I had almost no pain and hardly even used my pain meds.

Most of the emotional pain I suffered since last August has been due to stress and some fear of the unknown. I really let my mind run rampant down into the pits. I looked okay and told people that I was doing okay. I smiled a lot, but in the secret places of my heart and mind…not to mention my breast…I was living in distress and anxiety. I had taken my eyes off Jesus and was drowning. So, along comes my first day of radiation treatment. The radiation technologists asked me what kind of music I liked. I asked if they had any Christian music. They said that they did, and put it on. The very first song that played was “Oceans”…the song about how God calls us out upon the water to trust Him. It did not sink in at the time but in the car on the way home I realized that God had been singing to me that my illness was a call out onto the waters to join Him.

I still had about fifteen days plus the weekends to deal with my issues that were tormenting me. It was a hard ride, but there were things that were starting to make me think differently. People assured me that the way I was feeling was not unusual. They told me that what I was going through was not a walk in the park. I received cards that affirmed me and told me who they saw in me. I got a couple of emails written by women that I look up to as wise women of God. They wrote such amazing things about who they saw me to be. Those warmed my heart. Women stepped up to the plate to go with me for my radiation treatments and to bring meals.. I also started reading some books about Cancer. One is called, What Cancer Cannot Do. and the other one is When God and Cancer Meet. They pointed out the miracles to be found in dealing with cancer. I have had extended conversations with my friend, Vicki, who is an 8 year cancer survivor. Her wisdom has been invaluable to me.

My body was healing, and eventually my psyche started to heal as well. I have a much healthier mental attitude now than I had after the surgeries on August 21st and September 5th. My paradigm has totally shifted. Here is some of it:

·         I know that I have received two miracles since my first bout with Cancer.
  •      When I had the hysterectomy my doctor went out to waiting room to talk to my husband. She told him that my lymph nodes were cancer filled. When the lab results came back to her they read “no cancer,” She asked for a recheck before she called me, because she thought that they had made a mistake. The second test came back with the same result. This woman’s specialty is dealing with uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancers and doing hysterectomies. She knows what cancer looks like, and yet when the tests were done, they came back cancer free again. Many people were praying for me, and I had my first miracle.
  • The other miracle was that I actually had a mammogram after one year. I never keep track of when they are due. I had gone to see my OBGYN doctor who saw that I was due, and we scheduled one. Because of this the tumor was still small and easier to deal with.

·          I have come to view Cancer not so much an affliction but rather as a gift…a ministry of sorts…an opportunity to grow in wisdom and in grace. Through it all God was bringing me gifts that slowly were helping me towards a new attitude. You cannot go through such a traumatic experience without either being destroyed or lifted higher.

I am choosing to allow myself to be lifted higher. For the rest of my life I will be a Cancer Survivor. It matters not if the “Big C” is the thing that helps me to live my life to the fullest and for God, or if it is the thing that finally takes me out. It is my path to travel, and I know that God is with me calling me out onto the water. I will keep my eyes on Him. The “big C” is not cancer; In reality my “big C” is Christ...Christ Jesus.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa
October, 2014     


Let the Frog-ging come naturally.



Have you ever been thinking of the possibilities involved in something you might be hoping might happen. Maybe there are choices of how to proceed, and you are not sure what you need to do. Questions abound concerning which road to go down and where to begin. Have you relied on yourself only? Or do you seek help from people you think are strong or smart? Are you banking on your own strength to get you out of a problem or to move you to a goal? Are your choices even sinful?

Do you notice anything missing in this way of working on a problem? Where is God in this? What place have you given Him?

In Isaiah God warns the children of Israel against banking on anyone and anything to save them from things that they fear. He speaks to Isaiah saying…

Don’t put your trust in mere humans.
They are as frail as breath.
What good are they?
Isaiah 2:22

He further warns them...

3:1The Lord, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies,
will take away from Jerusalem and Judah
everything they depend on:
every bit of bread
and every drop of water,
2 all their heroes and soldiers,
judges and prophets,
fortune-tellers and elders,
3 army officers and high officials,
advisers, skilled craftsmen, and astrologers
3:8 For Jerusalem will stumble,and Judah will fall,
because they speak out against the LORD and refuse to obey him.
They provoke him to his face.
Isaiah 3:1-3,8

I know that there are times when I try to lean on my own understanding and power. Studying Isaiah has brought me an AHA moment. I have realized that to forget to add God into the equation is a big misstep. Such self-centered behavior is defeating. Nothing happens in the world and in life that is not allowed by God. His blessings abound, and I need to invite Him into my life, choices, and problems constantly. The children of Israel did not do that in the time of Isaiah and they were punished for their mistakes. It is also a sad fact that many people are not even aware that they need to turn to God. The result is that they attempt to do everything under their own steam. I believe that God just lets us reap what our behavior and reliance on Him sows…be it good or difficult.

Here is another scripture that has a wonderful promise. Have you ever noticed while you are flailing along trying to decide a course of action, that things start to happen that make clear which is the right way to turn. If you become sensitive to the things God is showing, you will be aware of what should be done at every turn.

I will answer them before they even call to me.
While they are still talking about their needs,
I will go ahead and answer their prayers! ~
Isaiah 65:24

I know that I must FULLY RELY ON GOD.



Sent to me by my friend Paula...

What nationality was Jesus????

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1.   He called everyone brother  
2.   He liked Gospel  
3.   He didn't get a fair trial  

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:  

1.   He went into His Father's business  
2.   He lived at home until he was 33  
3.   He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure
         He was God  
But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:  

1.   He talked with His hands  
2.   He had wine with His meals 
3.   He used olive oil  

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian
1.   He never cut His hair  
2.   He walked around barefoot all the time  
3.   He started a new religion  

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an  American Indian:
1.   He was at peace with nature 
2.   He ate a lot of fish  
3.   He talked about the Great Spirit  

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:  

1.   He never got married.. 

2.   He was always telling stories.  
3.   He loved green pastures.  

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:  

1.   He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was
 virtually no food  
2.   He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it  
3.   And even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was still work to do  
                 Can I get an AMEN!!


Yes, There Was A Storm..........Beckoning

Yes, There Was A Storm

Yes, there was a storm
The herons cried through the night
We still continued.

Yes, there was a storm
I was tossed around and yet
My boat stayed afloat.

Yes, there was a storm
Ended in peaceful silence
As the gusts subside.

Clouds, rain, thunder, wind
You and I by loving joined
Yes, there was a storm.

Now the gale has stopped
But my Love is still with me
Loving my soul forever.

Now this Love brings joy
Beyond my fanciful dreams
Of all human love.

The peace of my soul
Brings me here to say  these words
I belong to You.

Now you are the Storm
That blows me on toward my bliss
And ne’er will I change.

Yes, I belong to You
In ways I never could  dream
Close in soul and mind.

Father, You draw me
With each wave and lightning flash
That teach me to love.

Each raindrop falling
Help clean my soul of its sin
And brings my mind peace.

Oh never deserved
Your storm is teaching me more
Than human love can.
Thunder of Your voice
Had called me to come to you
Before I even knew.

And before I cared
You blew your mighty currents
Calling me to You.

Why did I deserve
The love and grace You offered
To gather me in?

Your winds beckon home
All lost in their private storms
To bring their boats in.

Finding Your shelter 
Security in your port 
Safe forever more.

That You have given me storms
To teach me Your truths.

Without all the storms
Could I even comprehend
All You do for me?

Yes we are the storm!
You loving me without end
Now I hear at last.

You drawing me in
Finally I come to You
And  Your rainbow shines.

©Corinne H. Mustafa
September, 2002


What do you think of this?

Think on this...it is very powerful...

Several years ago as the violence and lack of humane concern for people and property started to escalate, I was concerned. There were attacks going on where people were hurt and maimed as if by psychopaths with no sense of morality or dedication to the rules of common behavior. I remember thinking then that these people were operating under a lack of love and sense of their own worth and the dignity of being a human
being. In those days I thought that the behaviors that were becoming all to frequent were the result of lack of education in moral issues not only in school but also at home. 

Now I have watched this video from YouTube that was sent to me by Carol Steficek, who is the devotional writer for Saturdays on our site. The premise of the causes of problems where people just do as they please can be traced to the fact that religion is often missing the thoughts and choices of a great majority of people. Because of this lack, the special methods of choosing a path are no longer being taught. In the past people choose to follow these social rules because they were actual precepts dedicated to following
the Lord on morality and behavior.

Let us pray  
that God will intercede in the areas that are lacking and bring
people into the fray who can inspire those they reach to willingly choose
to adhere to the rules of human decency and turn away from violence.


Remembering Auntie Emma...8/14/14

My Auntie Emma Taylor  passed away last week. She was the last remaining person of her generation on both sides of my family. She just lost her daughter Carol a few months ago. Here she is (blue blouse) with her daughter,  Carol,
(yellow blouse), granddaughter, Amy, and great granddaughter, Maycie. Carol had just started chemo, and they dyed her hair red as a joke before it fell out.

Tomorrow my aunts's memorial service in Aiken, SC. I will be speaking at the service which feels like an honor to me. Here is what I wrote. It is very personal, but it is where I am tonight.

Good Evening Everyone,

Thank you for coming. I am Corinne Mustafa. It is an absolute privilege to speak at this memorial for my Auntie Emma Taylor. It is due to the wonder of modern communication that I can address you and attend my aunt’s funeral from 3000 miles away.

My father, Milt Hambly and Auntie Emma were brother and sister. Although she was not a parent I look more like her than like my own mother. I have two pictures of us that show the resemblance. One was taken in Rhode Island in the eighties when I visited Tiverton. It was one of those line up family pictures that also included Roger, Carol, their children and mine. We are on opposite sides of the group and I looked like her daughter. The other picture was taken at Amy’s wedding looking like mother and daughter. That wedding was actually the last time I saw her in person.

In the last few years we built a very strong relationship that we both enjoyed immensely. It was mostly by telephone since I live in California and she lived in Aiken. We would talk for almost an hour with no silent moments. Auntie Emma was the last remaining person on either side of my family of that generation, and I felt the value of having her in my life. She told me about family stories when we talked. She told me stories about my grandmother who passed away when I was four. I remember my Grammie from only two occasions, and my aunt added her memories of her mother to the ones I have. Some living history goes away when a person of advanced age is no longer with us.

One thing that I wanted to share about my Auntie Emma is that she was a person who laughed easily and often. She had a great sense of humor and she exercised it often. Pictures of my aunt always showed a kind of impish smile and twinkling eyes. One picture that comes to mind when I share that about her wittyness is a picture of her taken a few years ago at Halloween. She was going to a Halloween party and she borrowed a costume from Amy. It was a flapper dress…fringe, dance shoes, and all. She had a long cigarette holder complete with a cigarette in her hand. On her head was a band that went across her forehead with feathers. On her face was that devilish grin that we saw from time to time. You can see that picture on the photo board, and you will see what I mean.

As for me I now am regretting that I did not make it a priority to see Auntie Emma more frequently. I am often guilty of thinking that there is plenty of time. When one is in their 90’s, time is moving too fast. I just hope that our relationship and conversations were as special to her as they were to me.

I am boldly going to share what I believe to be the case with my Auntie Emma. Knowing that she grew up in church and that she attended church in Aiken tells me she enjoyed and held certain beliefs about God and life after death. Based on these convictions I have chosen a scripture quote from the Book of Job 19:25-27.

“But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. And I know that after this body has decayed, this body shall see God! Then he will be on my side! Yes, I shall see him, not as a stranger, but as a friend! What a glorious hope!

Probably most of you hold this glorious hope in your hearts as well…that there is an eternal life where you will be living in Paradise with God.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the love that you had for my Auntie Emma and that you love all of your people. I love to think of Auntie Emma in heaven with people she loved particularly true love, her husband Norman. I thank you for her life and the memories that we hold of her. I believe that she is with You in heaven already enjoying the reward that You have prepared for her.

Lord, I also ask Your favor on Roger and his family for all the care he gave to my Aunt and Uncle over the years. May he be blessed for all he did in spite of the challenges that were involved. Bless Amy and Maycie for the humor and joy that they brought as they came alongside her with their love.

I praise You, Lord, for Your hand in all the affairs of men. You are the One who brings all good things to us. God, You also take things that are not pleasant and that are meant for ill and turn them into good. You bless us in everything. May everyone attending this memorial feel Your goodness tonight  



The Parable of the Sower

Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears let him hear."
Matthew 13:3-9

This may seem like a 5th grade back to school writing assignment on “How I Spent My Summer Vacation.” Bear with me, and you might find out that this one is a tad different. I visited the quad cities area of western Illinois. We thought that the only draw in this area was our good friend, Snow. Storm and I would have been happy with just that, but there was even more.
One of the quad cities is Moline, Illinois. To my delight Moline is the home base of John Deere Tractors. Now, don’t laugh…I have had a thing for John Deere ever since that famous song about thirteen years ago. I am sure you all remember it… “John Deere Green.” You know the one. It is about that sweet love affair between Billy Bob and Charlene….the one where Billy Bob paints his love onto the town water tower in John Deere green. The words go like this, “And everyone said it should have been red, but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere green.” Love is hardly that deep and sweet these days.

So when Snow told us that we would visit the little JD Museum that day I was ready to go. Did I have a surprise in store! We walked into the high ceiling room, and I had to look up. I mean UP here. The tractors of today have come a long way, baby. I am talking huge. Picture a tyrannosaurus rex. I am not exaggerating…not in the least. They are humongous. In fact, I had a picture taken of me next to the “rex” wheel, and that wheel was at least three feet taller than I am. I am talking a monster. Standing there beside that so called tractor I began to feel like every four year old must feel in a world filled with adult sized chairs, tables, and cars. In my new status as a little person of four I was excited to see a steering wheel on a display with a video screen to show the driver how he was plowing his field. Did you know that all of these rex tractors are equipped with computer screens and satellite tracking that shows how the farmer is plowing his field? The driver is perched about twenty five feet above the furrows he is trying to plough. The computer allows the farmer to keep his rows straight and equally distant one from the other. I tried to drive straight lines with the help of the computer, but all I could do was to weave back and forth on my make believe field. I was pitiful. With the newest technology available to man (or woman) I could not even plow a straight line. If I couldn’t do that, how could I take command of the machine that sows the seed in the rows and place the seeds properly so that the crops of the next season would grow strong and tall, plump and juicy?

At the time I was not thinking of the Parable of the Sower. I was busy having a touristy wonderful time. A few weeks after I got home Pastor Larry’s message was on that parable which can be found in Matthew 13:3-9. Following that message I started thinking about my experience “driving” the huge John Deere tractor.

Considering the technology and my mismanagement of it I found myself considering some questions. What kind of soil would those imaginary seeds be sowed in? Would they grow? Would they flourish for a time and then start to languish? The seeds would be good. The sower would be well intentioned. The soil would be prepared. With all that technology how could it fail? UM….I am sure you remember the previously described furrows resembling demented “crop circles,” that I made when I tried to drive my green tyrannosaurus…in spite of the satellite guidance. However, the sower is not me…He is God.

There should be no reason for seed to fall along the path and be eaten by birds. The rocks had been dealt with so the kernels should not be impeded by the obstacles rocks present during attempted germination. Weeds would have been eliminated so that they could not choke out the growing seedlings. However, the fact is that even with today’s advanced agricultural technology crops fail from time to time. There are locusts, starving birds, weeds, and uncooperative clouds refusing to provide the necessary drinks the seeds need which result in a less than perfect crop…all pitfalls of sowing seeds in any age.

This parable was Jesus’ way of showing how hard it is to get the Word to grow in the hearts of men. The seed represents God’s truth. We claim to know His Word is perfect and true…hence the word truth. Still, many times we do not treat it is such. The sower is God Himself who possesses the ultimate and perfect technology to plant the garden of His word in us. Picture this. Along comes God in his blue bib overalls. He climbs up onto His John Deere. He turns His key and boots up the computer. Immediately the screen shows Him his route across the fields of His world. He sets out plowing perfect rows; He activates the motor which will disperse the seeds into the rows.

What can go wrong? Could there be an X factor that has the power to affect the results of the whole operation. God’s word is perfect. His technique is perfect. Still God’s planting sometimes fails, just as the farmer planting sometimes fails due to conditions beyond his control. “Beyond his control” you ask? Nothing is beyond God’s control. There you have it….the dreaded X factor. Nothing IS beyond His control. However, God has relinquished His control in one very important area...the area of our free will, which He will never interfere with. He does not want puppets or Stepford wives in heaven. He wants people who have chosen Him.

God is operating with a spiritual “John Deere tractor” with a divine computer that should result in success every time He sows. In the parable we are the soil, and we have to be ready. Why do some people accept what they are given and run with it while others are given it and loose it along the way? Consider Billy Bob…you know, that rural knight in shining armor and his lady faire, the lovely Charlene. He climbed that water tower to sow his seeds of love for Charlene. The words of the song state that many had something to say about Billy Bob’s word. For them the seeds fell on rocky soil and were rejected without them even considering the truth behind the word presented. Charlene, however, was soil that was prepared to receive the truth in whatever form it took...even deviations from the expected color of the Words. Again consider the song… “And everyone said it should have been red, but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green.”

And here, in simple symbolism, you have a straightforward and uncomplicated explanation of the Parable of the Sower.

Corinne H. Mustafa


A Very Inspiring Story of Determination and Courage

Choctaw woman shows an unstoppable attitude 
Sgt. Kisha Makerney thrives,
         despite loss of her leg.

DURANT, OKLA. – A conversation with Army National Guardsman Sgt. Kisha Makerney is a motivating experience. In the face of seemingly detrimental odds, she has not only thrived, but accomplished more in a few years than many will in a lifetime.

As a Choctaw who grew up in Fort Towson, Okla., Makerney excitedly began her military service with the Army National Guard at the age of 17 and subsequently embarked on her first tour at age 18, where she was stationed in Iraq.

Returning from her inaugural tour of duty, Makerney was in a motorcycle accident that claimed her left leg at the age of 20. Due to her accident not occurring during service, Makerney was responsible for her rehabilitation.

Fresh out of her teens and full of vigor, she was determined to return to active military service. She was taught basic physical therapy and fitted with her first prosthetic limb in October of 2005. “I pretty much had to teach myself how to walk, run and march… All the stuff that was needed to remain a soldier,” Makerney stated as she recalled the first steps to overcoming her adverse situation.

In 2007 she returned to Iraq as the first female amputee soldier in a combat zone where she trained Iraqi correctional officers for the prison system. Her love for service aided in overcoming the obstacles created by the loss of her leg.

That dedication stemmed from a strong family history of service and early admiration for soldiers. “I have been drawn to the military my whole life,” stated Makerney. “I just feel like I was made for it. I just know it.”

 Having both grandfathers serve in the military sparked a young Makerney’s interests. She recalls the captivating stories as a girl that inspired her to pursue a military career. These recollections of history and her natural zest drew her to where the action would likely be found.

Returning to Iraq in 2007 for a second tour, various physical ailments associated with the accident continually beset Makerney. Upon returning stateside, she sought assistance in caring for those issues. She learned that the Center for the Intrepid (CFI), located in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, had recently opened its doors to assist servicemen and women and sought CFI’s assistance in improving herself.

Upon arriving at CFI, Makerney was ecstatic to have ample resources available as well as the ability to connect with other soldiers who had similar experiences and situations. Spending approximately 18 months at CFI, she improved all her physical abilities, became increasingly motivated as she met fellow amputee soldiers and was fitted with upgraded prosthetics.

“You tell them anything you want to do and they will probably teach you,” Makerney stated as she praised CFI for their assistance.

The “anything” she mentioned turned out to be many things. Since her time at CFI, she has accomplished numerous notable feats. From skydiving to scuba diving with manta rays in Hawaii, Makerney is never left without an interesting contribution to a conversation.

Following her time at CFI, Makerney earned a position in the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit while competing in the 2010 Warrior Games hosted at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. She continued service as a member of the U.S. Army for a year, where she made the U.S. Shooting Team.

 After her year with the U.S. Army, Makerney returned to the National Guard and remained on the shooting team where she competed in the Olympic Trials. After a couple years of service, she returned to CFI to be fitted for an updated prosthesis in 2013.

While there, her physical therapist Mark Heniser, who was an instructor for her past scuba adventures, had recently been asked to journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Knowing the challenge of climbing a mountain would pique Makerney’s interest; Heniser encouraged her to join the hiking team, The Kilimanjaro Warriors. This group consisted of six soldiers who would use prosthetics to conquer the quest and five “Wingmen,” to accompany the hiking party.

“Physically, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life,” stated Makerney. Telling of the journey, she recalled bouts of altitude sickness, complications with her prosthetics and other difficulties. As the trek became harsh, Makerney did what she had learned to do in every tough situation – lean on her faith.

“You can reach down and you can find God and He can give you the strength to overcome anything,” Makerney stated as she remembered how she found faith through the struggles of not only Kilimanjaro, but of the many other mountains she had to conquer in her life. “I didn’t lose my leg in the war, and because of that, I kind of fell in the cracks and was on my own.”

In the time following her amputation, Makerney recalls a depressed state. “I fell into that pit and didn’t know how to get out of it,” she stated. In her distress she turned to God, learning what it really meant to have true faith. She spoke of always believing in God since childhood, but finding real, life-changing faith in the face of her trials.

Since finding that faith, she has gone on to accomplish the aforementioned feats, as well countless others. In Makerney’s eyes, her ascension of Kilimanjaro was not for herself, but was a testament to all soldiers who have lost something, telling them that there is still hope for a full life. “We need more hope in the world,” declared Makerney.

Following her excursion, she entered the “Where Have Your Legs Taken You?” promotion hosted by Nair, in which participants were asked to submit a picture of a notable life accomplishment along with a short essay about the experience. Her photo atop Kilimanjaro and strong support from Makerney’s family, friends and fellow soldiers allowed her to clinch the $10,000 prize. “They came together and helped me win.  I wouldn't of even came close to winning if it weren't for them.

This award, meant to assist the recipient in reaching future life goals, will help fund Makerney’s current endeavor of becoming a pilot. Presently, she is enrolled in the aviation program at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, Okla. The award from Nair, accompanied by her involvement with Choctaw Nation programs such as the Higher Education and Career Development Programs are making it possible for her to attain an aviation degree.

With this flight education, Makerney hopes to apply the skill to either a military or emergency response career. This decision falls in line with her adventurous personality. “I am an adrenaline junk,” stated Makerney as she recalled her past experiences and love for anything that gets her blood pumping.

As she pursues her degree from Southeastern, she is still active in the National Guard with the 3120th Engineer Support Company based in Muskogee where she is a heavy equipment operator. She spends her leisure in the outdoors hunting, fishing and camping, and attends Believers Church in Durant. She aspires to be a continual motivation to those around her as she seeks to overcome new and exciting challenges.