Think on is very powerful...
Several years ago as the violence and lack of humane concern for people and property started to escalate, I was concerned. There were attacks going on where people were hurt and maimed as if by psychopaths with no sense of morality or dedication to the rules of common behavior. I remember thinking then that these people were operating under a lack of love and sense of their own worth and the dignity of being a human
being. In those days I thought that the behaviors that were becoming all to frequent were the result of lack of education in moral issues not only in school but also at home.
Now I have watched this video from YouTube that was sent to me by Carol Steficek, who is the devotional writer for Saturdays on our site. The premise of the causes of problems where people just do as they please can be traced to the fact that religion is often missing the thoughts and choices of a great majority of people. Because of this lack, the special methods of choosing a path are no longer being taught. In the past people choose to follow these social rules because they were actual precepts dedicated to following
the Lord on morality and behavior.
Let us pray
that God will intercede in the areas that are lacking and bring
people into the fray who can inspire those they reach to willingly choose
to adhere to the rules of human decency and turn away from violence.
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