
The Chat

One night as on the phone I spoke
To a special friend with whom I often talk
Philosophizing about various themes were we
With no set menu to pull them from
Just a kind of stream of consciousness.

We followed
Chatting on and on.

Both of us believers of similar ideas
Conversing always provided entertainment
Things like what makes a yummy Sunday dinner
How to teach a child some manners
Places to spend our upcoming vacation.

We persisted
Chatting on and on.

We shared our hearts in friendship
Bared our souls and maybe looked for advice
Let each other in on life’s disappointing moments
Revealing joyous happenings in addition
Scarcely a topic did we need to hold back.

We continued
Chatting on and on.

Because we share like spiritual beliefs
Conversation headed down a different road
Speaking of themes that bless our hearts and lives
How we have grown and what it means
When one does not worry about salvation.

We persevered
Chatting on and on.

When it was time for our good night
We agreed we would share a simple prayer
Suddenly I felt strange transformation all around
This feeling surrounding me in silk-like air
She said, “God’s there in the room with you.”

I said, “I feel Him.”
Chatting ended then.

I thought people who spoke about such things
Made up their stories just to get people’s attention
Such things had not happened in my personal experience
I felt the air modified akin to being in water
I can’t claim He told me awesome things
But we spent a quiet half hour being together.

It was heart to heart
A different kind of chat
And then He left.

©Corinne Mustafa
June, 2010

      This is something that actually happened to me about ten years ago, when I was on the phone with my friend, Beverley. The feeling was so strong that I almost felt as if I couldn't move. I might have been tempted to think I was imagining it or something, but, without me telling her what I was experiencing, Beverley knew. Her words were, "I am going to hang up now, Corinne, so you can be with God."
      A couple of times I felt this again, but only mildly and for a short period of time. I have never had the feeling so strongly or for such a long time since. It has touched my life because, even though I had faith in the existence of God, I now have felt Him surround me with a peace and joyful solitude that I cannot even really begin to explain.


Please comment to share your own experiences.

1 comment:

Patty Billingham said...

There is nothing like feeling His presence - it brings such a peace to us. I had this feeling a couple of times when I was sitting at the ocean side alone.