
How did you develop everything you are?

I once had a friend who came from a very disfunctional family. She grew up with a lot of issues that she had to deal with growing up and in her adult life.  After a lot of false starts and mistakes she found a man who would love her as she deserved. They were married a couple of years later and at her wedding they both made recordings to their mothers.  Her mother had had a jaded past just as my friend had. Her mom suffered from guilt about her choices which had hurt her daughter.  The recording that my friend made to play for her mother at the wedding told her Mom not to have any regrets.  She told her that who she was at that time was the result of all the experiences she had had in life. And who she was at that time was a person involved in a strong ministry to help people who  had endured the same kind of challenges as she had experienced to become healthy in spite of their challenges.  Today I can look around at women's gatherings at my church and see women whose lives are changed by how God used my friend to speak into their lives.

Consider the words on the button above. They are awesome and powerful. God takes us...warts and all...and uses us if we let Him to make a difference. We may continue to revert back, to stumble, and to fall.  My friend has suffered through some of this. Still, in the end, it is all these valley experiences that provide learning and growth that we bring to serve on the road upon which God has placed us.

Written by Corinne Mustafa


Unknown said...

Thank you for this share! Even if we grow up in an apparently "functional" family, we still go through valleys and climb mountains, leap forward, fall back, make U-turns, take detours, etc. God allows some things to happen that perhaps we don't understand at the time, but all so that His glory can shine at some point, if we allow it to happen. Good reminders!

Women's Focus Ministries said...

This is another aspect of this work of God that molds. Thank you for adding this into this topic. It also needs to be considered when we are in the middle of a time down in the valley. Thanks, Jan!